Best Staffing Practices with New Employees

Never has it been more critical to recruit and retain the right employees than in our current job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Colorado is ranked first in lowest unemployment rates. Employees who want to be working are, which also means they aren’t looking. Meanwhile, employers still have vacancies to fill. Many employers are choosing to work with a Colorado staffing company to support their needs while also making internal changes to create the right environment to keep staff.

Starting on the Right Foot

Forward-thinking employers are making the application and interviewing processes easier. In the past, employers had lengthy application processes to sort out candidates, but with this passive employment market, a shift needs to take place. Proactive recruiting using a Colorado staffing company, social media sites, and actively pursuing candidates is the new strategy to go after passive job seekers.

Good Systems and Onboarding

Whenever market conditions drive competition, and in Colorado staffing is highly competitive, internal controls need to be addressed for efficiency and effectiveness. Being sloppy, slow, or un-engaging will lead candidates to look elsewhere. Be sure to have solid onboarding processes in place and a welcoming environment.

When you have an employee who has met all the job requirements, been hired, and attended orientation but is then handed off to a supervisor who gives no guidance or co-workers who are allowed to create an unhealthy culture — it can kill the new hire’s morale quickly.

Employee Retention

Every business, club, and organization where people are responsible to attend, will have natural attrition. However, many studies have shown the very high cost to employers that turn-over causes. For this reason, especially in regards to Colorado staffing, care should be taken to retain quality employees.

Leadership, training, opportunities for advancement, benefits, perks, acknowledgment/recognition, and even kindness are all ways to create employee loyalty, with or without expense. Most employees cite being unhappy with management as their main decision in leaving a job. Now is the opportunity to be sure your managers are supported, well trained, and having good interactions with their staff.

Focusing on the Right Things

If the hiring process is burdensome, consider using a Colorado staffing company to do the busy work. By placing ads, doing preliminary interviews, and background checks for you, they take care of the sorting and narrowing down of candidates so you can focus on interviewing only the top candidates and creating an environment that will keep them.

Colorado Network Staffing (CNS) is a leader in staffing, staff augmentation, and contract management by acting as a sole human resource provider for our clients. Let us support your staffing needs and find the best mutual fit between you and our dynamic employer clients. CNS has the experience, resources, and top-level management expertise to pair the best a brightest job seekers with top-notch employers. Contact us at 303-430-1441 to get started.

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