What You Should Know Before Interviewing with a Company

There is more to getting a job than sending in your resume and showing up to the interview. And, there is more to an interview than making eye contact and answering questions. To make the most of an interview, it’s a good idea to do some research about the company first. Having a bit of extra knowledge will demonstrate a genuine interest and allow you to feel, and thereby look, more confident. Here’s what you should know before interviewing with a company.

The Basics

If you go into an interview without knowing the very basic information about the company, you may as well not even show up. It seems like this is a no brainer, but there are people who offer hiring services for companies who have stories of interviewees coming in not even knowing the full name of the company. Know all the basic facts about where you are going for your interview, including who they serve, and how. Even a general idea will help.

The Skills Required and Offered

It is very important to know what the company is looking for in an employee, and more specifically in the title you would hold. Review the job description and note the skill set that is most important to them. Be sure to highlight the skills you have in regard to the position and the company as a whole. If their mission or values really resonate with you, bring it up in the interview.

Their Website

Go through as many pages of the company’s website as possible to gain knowledge about their overall products and services. This can go a long way in an interview. Spend time looking at the website, not just a few minutes to skim through. Read the About Page, especially if they have a Mission, Vision, and Values section. These will give you an idea of their culture, and help determine if you are a good fit for what they are seeking in an employee (and if they are a match for what you want as well).

Their Competitors

Knowing who the company’s main competitors are can be helpful. Learn what the competition has in common, as well as what the major differences are. Going into the interview, be strategic in bringing up what you found by asking a question about it. Or, state that you feel the employer is better than the competition, and why, by bringing up what you learned. 

Their Social Media

Look at all the available social media channels the company is present on. If they aren’t, consider mentioning it. Social media is usually where a company attempts to showcase their values and “personality,” or culture. Before going in for an interview, you might want to know about the people who work there and identify key players. Try LinkedIn to see if you have any connections, or to make them. Check out their reputation by Googling them, and see if there is any current news related to or involving them.

Are you a job seeker in or around greater Denver, Colorado? If so, let Colorado Network Staffing (CNS) help you find your next position. Our employing companies maintain long-lasting relationships with us because they trust us to provide the best and brightest talent for contract, temporary, and permanent positions. 

Contact CNS at 303-430-1441 today and get started in your new career faster. 

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