There has never been a more important time for mental wellbeing in the workplace than this time right now as the world emerges from a global pandemic. According to this article originally published in the Employee Relations Law Journal, as a result of the pandemic, today’s mental health needs will outlast the physical impact. An increase in depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts have all been reported.
This means that employees returning to work may be struggling with mental health issues and essential workers who have been working may be facing burnout. Either way, employees are feeling the emotional exhaustion of the pandemic, and employers are trying to find a balance that supports a healthy, happy workforce.
Here are some tips to help mental wellbeing in the workplace:
Offer Resources
Employees who are struggling don’t always know what resources they need or where to look for them. If you offer health insurance plans, ask about coverages and where employees can find provider lists for services. If you offer an EAP, share information about how they can engage with it.
Use the National Institute of Mental Health resource page for more information.
Talk About It
Don’t be shy about talking about the toll the pandemic has caused. Consider a support group or focus group to help people with the transition back into the workplace, or with navigating the changes around this unique time.
Understand the Signs
Post or otherwise share training materials around signs of suicidal or violent thoughts, depressive or anxious behaviors, and other indicators that help should be sought. Take the shame out of conversations around mental health and wellbeing. There are numerous resources to help.
As the world begins to unfold from the physical stress of COVID, we expect the emotional and economic impact to take a bit longer to recover from. Providing resources as an employer can help the transition and demonstrate empathy and caring – both highly valued for mental wellbeing in the workplace.
There are many companies out there that prioritize wellbeing in the workplace. These are the companies you want to work for because a company’s culture is a direct indicator of its wellbeing program. Good physical and mental wellbeing equates to high productivity, happier employees, and higher retention.
If we can help your organization, please let us know. We are Colorado Network Staffing (CNS), and we act as the sole human resource provider for many of our clients, saving them time, energy, and money by providing the expertise needed for their staffing and HR needs. Contact us today to learn more at 303-430-1441.