Do you know how to find the best skill sets in each generation? The truth is while we may of us understand our own generation, we may overlook the values, beliefs, and motivations of another. With a four-generation workforce, we could unknowingly have a generational bias and that can affect how we hire people. Companies that use a staffing agency in Colorado can avoid this generational bias by screening for specific skills, regardless of other factors. However, the multigenerational workforce requires an understanding so we can properly attract, motivate, train, and retain our employees.
What is a Multigenerational Workforce?
When we refer to a “multigenerational workforce,” we are drawing attention to the fact that today’s workforce is made up of four generations, including:
- Pre-Boomers (those born approx. 1925-1945)
- Baby Boomers (those born approx. 1946-1964)
- Gen X (those born approx. 1965-1976)
- Gen Y (those born approx. 1977-1994)
Hiring and managing such a diverse age population can be tricky, unless you understand some of the motivations, values and behaviors of each generation. Of course, these are generalities and each individual will offer a variety of skills, beliefs, and behaviors, (here is a quick infographic); however, looking at the common trends will add value to expanding your knowledge. By using the distinct talents of individuals of each generation, we can truly optimize our workforce.
Best Hiring Practices for a Multigenerational Workforce
More than likely, you are not recruiting to fill positions with the Pre-Boomer population, but it is important to know they are potentially still part of your workforce and help to shape the culture and teams within the organization. When recruiting employees, keep these three things in mind:
1. Know what motivates your potential employee and highlight that.
Pre-Boomers as well as Baby Boomers are motivated by stability and security. Boomers and Gen X’ers want an opportunity to lead. Gen Y is looking for ways to contribute to a bigger picture. When meeting with, interviewing or talking about career advancement, discover what the potential employee really wants, and spend more time discussing it.
2. Be where your potential employees are.
If you are specifically looking for an employee within a certain generation, such as a Boomer or X’er for a Senior Management position or a Y’er for a tech or Junior Management position, advertise in a way that communicates to them. Baby Boomers may want to meet you face to face to hand in a resume, or they may want to communicate on the phone. Generation X candidates will likely prefer email communication, while Gen Y applicants may choose social media platforms to communicate. Advertise and recruit from the places your desired generation “hangs out.”
3. Don’t lose new hires by getting sloppy.
Your recruiting can be spot-on in reaching the generations, but if your onboarding neglects the differences, you could quickly lose a potentially great employee. If your new employees have a negative experience in the first few weeks of employment, you may not retain them, and will be back to the drawing board. In orientation and training, remember different learning styles and levels of tech-savvy among the generations to keep employee engagement high.
A multigenerational workforce can bring a robust set of knowledge, skills, and practices to a business, yet hiring and managing them can take understanding and work.
If you are in search of brilliant employees of all generations, let Colorado Network Staffing(CNS) help you find your right fit. CNS is a leader in staffing, staff augmentation, and contract management by acting as a sole human resource provider for our clients. Don’t waste your time, energy, and money on a bad hire. CNS has the experience, resources, and top-level management expertise to accomplish the tasks required on any size project. Contact Colorado Network Staffing at 303-430-1441, and we’ll find you the best and brightest team.