Job searching can be incredibly difficult, even frustrating, at times. This irritation can be made even worse when you don’t know the ins and outs of looking for a good, career-worthy position with a company you trust. Here are some very important things to avoid while job searching:
Be upfront and honest about what you are looking for in your new employer. If you need to make a certain amount of money, don’t lowball yourself. If you are looking for a 401k plan, or their community giveback efforts, ask.
Say what you mean, and mean what you say when you have a chance to talk with any future employers. Be direct, honest, and clear if you want to find a worthwhile job.
Positions You Aren’t Qualified For
If you know you aren’t a rocket scientist, you probably should not apply for a job working at NASA. The same idea applies on a smaller scale as well. If the job you are looking for requires that you be able to use power tools, but you can barely work a hammer, avoid this job.
It seems like a no-brainer, but some job seekers apply for everything, just to get work. It’s not just a number’s game to get your resume to the world. While training opportunities exist, understand your skills and interests and apply for the positions that fit those things.
If you do not have the certifications or qualifications required for a position, move along. Spend your time applying for things you are talented at and know you will be able to do successfully. The chances of getting these jobs are also much higher.
A Dead End
Dead-end jobs are definitely something to avoid while job searching. A dead-end job is a place where you know there is no room for growth or development. Even though you may not be a rocket scientist, you might be a highly qualified receptionist who lands a front desk job at NASA and eventually learns and grows until you become an actual rocket scientist. Don’t limit yourself or your opportunities, and make sure you never settle for a job that sticks you in the middle with nowhere to go.
Knowing what to avoid while looking for a job is just as important as knowing how to prepare a resume or what jobs to search for. Every little piece of knowledge will set you off on the right path towards your future career.
Looking for employment opportunities and reside in Colorado’s Front Range? Let Colorado Network Staffing (CNS) help. A leader in staffing, our clients rely on us to find them the best and brightest team. If this is you, contact us at 303-430-1441 today, and get introduced to employers you wouldn’t have access to otherwise, and get working in your new position sooner!