Employment agencies may be the most skilled interviewers, and as a job seeker, you likely don’t have that same expertise. This is why it is a good idea to gain knowledge around interviewing and interview skills. Preparing for the questions that will be asked is a great place to start. Here are seven questions to help you interview better, based on our experience as one of the leading employment agencies in Denver.
1. What are your greatest strengths or weaknesses?
Answering about your weaknesses can be tricky, which is why practicing this answer is important. Write down what you believe your weaknesses are and look at ways to show how they can benefit the employer. Interviewers are seeing that using this question isn’t very effective as it isn’t usually answered honestly. Instead, employment agencies may ask about your strengths or ask how you solved a particularly difficult problem instead.
2. Can you tell me about an accomplishment you are proud of?
Employment agencies want to understand your motivation and who you are as a person. If you can’t think of an accomplishment, the interviewer will see that you are not motivated to accomplishment, but rather you simply do the minimum. Think of times when you were really proud of something you did, or when someone awarded or acknowledged your efforts in a positive way.
3. Who is your favorite or worst boss?
Another way this question is being asked is, “What would you change about your last boss?” Again, this question is helping the employment agencies understand the work environment that in which you thrive or not. It helps them understand how you process and take responsibility for the things going on around you. Consider the type of environment that really helps you excel or fail when answering this question.
4. Why did you leave your last job?
Especially if you have had an industry change or a long lapse in employment, you will likely face this question. Answer truthfully without gossiping or bad mouthing your former employer. Interviewers recognize, even if on a subconscious level, that if you bad mouth or gossip about others, you will do the same in the new work environment. Be fair, be honest, and be kind.
5. What interests you about this job?
Did you read the job description? Did you look at the employer’s website and/or social media? What did you learn about them? This helps the interviewer see if you are passionate about the company and if the culture matches what is important to you. Show enthusiasm for your potential employer and/or the employment agencies with which you have connections.
6. How would you handle … an angry customer, busy phone lines … etc.
This will usually point to an area of perceived difficulty within the environment you will be working. If you have skills to master this particular problem, share that. A specific example related to a time when you overcame that specific obstacle is great to have in your back pocket. A similar question may be, “What do you do to handle stressful situations?”
7. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Do you see yourself in management or senior management? Retired? Changing careers? (Maybe you are in school and this is a job until you graduate). Whatever the answer, be truthful but also understand what the employer is looking for and needs. They understand there is turn over and life changes, but overall, where do you see your life in regards to this employment opportunity taking you?
Practice your interview skills and you will find more success as a job seeker.
About Colorado Network Staffing
If you are looking for employment opportunities, Colorado Network Staffing (CNS), one of the leading staffing agencies in Denver, can assist you. We support our clients by finding them find their next Einstein. Employers look to CNS to provide top quality candidates with the experience, resources and expertise they have come to rely upon. Do you want to be one of our best and brightest team members? Contact us today at 303-430-1441 to get started.